Monday, March 28, 2005


What a great day for the Lord! Though it was raining very heavily, windy and cold, we had a wonderful time of Easter Sunrise services, followed by a very filling breakfast, and then by our Sunday school classes, and finished up with a powerful Easter message from our pastor. The fellowship of several different churches and the sharing around the tables gave us all a sense of Christian love and fellowship. It is especially wonderful to see the little children and how they enjoy being with all these people.
Our worship services were filled and all were stirred by the moving of the Holy Spirit as Mr.Will Richardson responded to the invitation by receiving Christ as his Savior, and asking to be baptized and become a member of the church. Of course the vote to accept Will was unanimous.
Reminder:Next Sunday, April 3rd, will be the time change as we set our clocks ahead one hour before going to bed on Saturday night. Please do this, or you will be late for the morning activities. Also, our evening service times will revert to the summer schedule, as we begin Discipleship Training at 6 PM, and evening worship services at 7 PM. The days are getting longer, and we are rapidly approaching the long daylight of summer.
Please remember to pray for me as I go to Fellowship Baptist Church for both services next Sunday. As you know, my oldest son, Donny, is pastor there, and he and his wife are taking a weekend off to travel to Florida, so he has asked Daddy to preach for him, which I am always happy to do. The Fellowship family is a sweet group of people that I was privileged to work with for about six months a few years ago.
So, that is all for now. Thanks for reading these ramblings, and please pray for our church at North First Baptist.
God bless,
Bro. Don

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