Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hello and happy Thursday to each of you! Hope your week has gone well. We certainly have had some beautiful weather as of late. That is going to change this weekend. Prepare for temperatures hovering around 60 degrees during the day and 34 in the evening. Spring will soon be here............I am thankful for that.

Unfortunately, due to the pollen and the ever changing weather, I have had the joy of a wonderful cold. It's not as bad as it was, but it still lingers. Being sick always makes me happy. On a more positive note, I am thankful that it isn't any worse. There certainly are folks who have far more severe illnesses than a minor seasonal cold. Makes a person thankful for such a blessing. Things can always get worse.

Anyway, on to more important things. The youth will have a St. Patrick's Day party this Sat., March 17th. The gym will be open from 7-10pm. Remember to bring/wear your green. You don't want to be pinched! There will be games and refreshments will be served. Make plans to join in the fun and fellowship!

Craft night is now being held in the trailer beside Culler-McAlhany Funeral Home. This time of creativity and fellowship is held every Tuesday from 6-9pm. All ladies are invited to attend. Work is in progress in making crafts to be sold at the Christmas bazaar this year to raise funds for a new church bus. If you feel that you're not able to make it on the given opportunity to work on crafts for the bazaar can be arranged.

Attention men: Men's breakfast will be this Sunday, March 18th. Invite another gentleman to join in this time of food and fellowship. Breakfast is served at 8am in the fellowship hall.

Women on Mission are scheduled to meet Wed., March 21st. This organization meets in the choir room after Wed. night supper. All ladies are encouraged to attend.

Don't forget about the upcoming performances. The children and adult choirs have been hard at work preparing for these events. You don't want to miss either one!

I hope I haven't left anything out. If there are other items that need to be mentioned here, please email me and let me know. My email address is Hope to hear from you!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

Love in Christ,

Tina :-)