Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Summer is rolling right along these days, with many church activities and meetings and such. I am finding that it is difficult to keep this blog up to date with the church news,but plan to do better [I hope!]
We are in the midst of Vacation Bible School this week, and have been having a great time with the Rickshaw Rally theme for this year. We have had a good crowd of children, willing workers, and food preparers. Our adult class is down somewhat, with only 11 adults involved each night. But, a number of our regulars are involved in helping in other classes.
Highest attendance so far has been 105, total students including staff members, which is great for our church.
I am still trying to learn how to add pictures and links to this page, so bear with me. I plan to also have an ELetter going out to those for whom I have an emailaddress. WE are still trying to develop a church web page, but that will take a bit longer.Let me know if you are willing to add your expertise to keeping all this going in the days to come.
Please join with us in our worship services this Sunday. We will have the church conference and also the Lord's Supper in the AM services. Come and bring a friend.

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