Monday, October 11, 2004


WHAT A GREAT DAY! The week is starting off in a great show of fall colors and falling leaves. It is difficult to believe that the year is going so fast, and that it is the fall in all its glory. Cooler temperatures early in the morning, bright sunshine showing all the details of the landscape, and a touch of nostalgia to an old timer like me! Growing up in Shelby, NC, I remember how great it was to be a young lad in the fall of the year. Football practice, games on Friday nights,leaving school in the afternoon and walking home with the cool air blowing in my face. And then there was the county fair. We lived for the fair, and got so excited that the night before we couldn't sleep. What a thrill to go to the fair. And all the fall activities at the churches, Halloween festivals, Homecomings, Youth trips, and all the emphasis on the weeks leading up to Christmas. Of course, I am talking about sixty years ago for me, back in the days before young people had all the DisneyLands and Six Flags and such to attend. Now the young person has seen it all, and then some, but for the youngster in the early forties, it was an exciting time to be alive, even though the Second World War was starting and gaining speed over all the world. It is difficult to explain to our young couples and teens today, but in spite of the war, those days really were the best days of our lives.
I spoke to a group of children in church yesterday, and told them that in a few short years from now, they would be saying that the early days of the 21st Century would be the best days of their lives! Especially if they give these days to the Lord and begin now to live for Him.
Back to the present, we had a great day for the Lord on Sunday. We had 99 in Sunday School, and a larger number for the morning worship hour. We celebrated the Lord's Supper, and remembered Jesus as we confessed our sins and failures, and asked Him to use us in a special way in the days to come. Our pastor closed out the day with an in-depth look in Revelation. In the afternoon, Mz. Carolyn and I traveled to nearby Fellowship Baptist Church, where our son, Donnie is pastor, as that church celebrated Homecoming with Dinner on the Grounds. It was good to see all our friends there, and to see our children, granddaughters, and our great grands. There is nothing finer than to fellowship with a group of Christian brothers and sisters.
Lots of things going on at FBC, we are hosting a Red Cross blood drive next Sunday. We also have our monthly Men and Boys breakfast, wtih Rev. Kimmett Lott, pastor of Providence Baptist Church as our guest speaker. More later, God Loves YOU...

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