Tuesday, May 31, 2005


A special notice to all our church members who might check this site from time to time. Next Sunday, June 5, following the morning worship service, we will have a covered dish luncheon in the fellowship hall to celebrate the addition to our church staff of Rev. and Mrs. Donny Royster, our new Minister of Youth. All members are urged to bring covered dishes and we will share in this great time of meeting, greeting and eating! You are urged to attend this important event in the ministry of our church.

Work is coming along very nicely on the new roof building on the fellowship hall. This will be a nice addition to the appearance of the building, plus it will stop the frequent rain leaks we have been having in the building.

As for the covered walkways, the new cement walkway between the church building and the educational building is in, and now we are waiting for the installation of the covered walkway. Soon you will be able to go from building to building and stay out of the rain. There will be a drive-in arrangement also so that a car can drive under the covered walkway and discharge passengers out of the rain.

We do praise the Lord for all that He is doing for the First Baptist Church and the church family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome Donny and Sondra....