Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What a Great Time to Be ALIVE!

Here it is, the middle of July, and it is hot, and humid and rainy all this week, but what a great day to be alive and serving the Lord! I trust that you are doing well and all your problems are small and insignificant these days. I pray for you, and for your health problems, and also for the other areas of our lives that press us so hard.
our church family is doing well, most of our sick are home from the hospital, and the biggest problem we are having now is in the summer slump! Vacation, beach, mountains, golf, travel, all sorts of interruptions and our attendance really shows it. But we realize that we all need to get away from time to time for recreation;re-creation.Check that word out, it means a re--creation...a renewal, and that is what recreation is supposed to do for us. But you know, I feel re-created each time I enter the house of the Lord for worship and fellowship. There is something special about being with my church family.
Had a nice interview with a young man and his wife that we are asking to be our new minister of music. He is much in prayer now about this part-time position, and is actively seeking God's will in this matter. Please join the personnel committee in prayer about this need. When we fill that space, we will have a full staff, with senior pastor, min. of education, min. of youth and students, and a minister of music and worship. Surely the Lord is blessing our church and getting us ready for something exciting to happen! I cannot wait to see what the Lord is doing each day here in North. We have so much to offer the North community, with in-depth Bible preaching and teaching,worship services filled with God's music; great buildings and facilities, outstanding leadership, all sorts and types of activities for all ages. And, we have a church family that is eager to see God work here in our place of service. Talk up our church. Invite folks to come and see. Be a witness for our Lord and urge them to come and visit with us.
Don't hestitate to call on anyone in the church family or on the staff for any need that you might have. We care for you, and want only to help you. Please pray faithfully for each member of your church staff that we will be able to do the work that God would have us to do.
And for those who are away and read these words, remember that our thoughts and prayers are with you and know that each time you check into this Web Blog you will be reaching out and touching us in a special way. God loves you, and so do we!

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