Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Well, as I write this blog spot today, I am in the Richland Hospital in Columbia, SC, where I have been since last Thursday. Seems as if my problem for the past several weeks has been a pulmonary embolism, or blood clot in my lungs. By the grace of our Lord, I am doing well, and should be able to go home on Tuesday. The clot is still there, but the medications, which they are pumping into me, have made a great deal of improvement, and I feel very good today. The doctors claim that I “missed a bullet” this time, but I know that it is the healing power of the Lord in response to many prayers and much faith. I should be back on duty at the church soon, but will have to go back and forth to the lab for many days to keep a close check on something they call the INR which tells how the clotting is doing. Thanks for your prayers and concerns, and I do really appreciate it very much.

On hold right now is the finishing up of the Church Directory, which I should be able to get to the first of the week. It only needs to be sent to the printer and we should have it back in final form in a few weeks or so. I appreciate having a good pastor, as Pastor
Shull has visited with me several times in my stay here in the hospital. You know, us pastors are not used to having a pastor, and I am blessed to have a gooood pastor! And I am also blessed to have two pastor sons, Donny and David, who minister to me also. Of course, Miz Carolyn takes such good care of me. She wouldn’t take no for an answer when she insisted that I come see the doctor last week. As usual, she was right. Once the doctor saw me, I was hustled off to the hospital!

So, that is it for this time, will add more later from home and the office. Will look forward to seeing many of you next Sunday, if not before. Depends on the doctor’s instructions, of course. But, praise the Lord, I feel much much better.

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