Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Since I have retired from the staff of the church I have not had much to say in the blog department. Our church is going well, and we enjoyed a great time of Homecoming and fellowship on November 6. Rev. James Watterson, pastor of this church in the mid-70's, was our guest speaker.

This week our pastor is attending the annual SC Baptist Convention in Columbia, and a good crowd of pastors and church members of all our SC churches will be in attendance. I have not been in years, because there is a lot of standing and walking and with my knee problems, and now a back problem, I do not enjoy going any longer. Carolyn and I used to go every year, and we would meet and talk with our preacher friends and visit with each other for a time. But, now, all the pastors seem so young! I do not known very many of them, and all of us older pastors are sort of fading away. Guess that is the price of getting older.

Pastor Donny and wife Sondra are to be away this week attending the National Youth Ministers meeting in Nashville, TN. We wish them a safe trip and a good meeting there in Nashville. Donny will come back all fired up with youth and children ideas I am sure!

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. And that the football season is almost over. I used to hear older folks say that time really did go fast when you got into the golden years, but this is unbelieveable! Days pile upon days, and months upon months, and how fast they do go. Sunday to Wednesday to Sunday seems to just dart by anymore. So after next week, we can look forward to Christmas, the choir is working on the cantata, everyone is busy getting food baskets and health baskets and shoebox gifts ready to go to West Virginia, and of course, trying to get in that Christmas shopping. And, praise the Lord, we are having some cooler weather and sweaters and long sleeves are the mode these days. Can we even get a glimmer of hope for any snow this year?

By the way, for those of our church family who read this blog from time to time, If you would like to post a blog, or make an announcement, or just write a column once in a while, let me know, and I will show you how to post the blog. I didn't intend this blog to be mine when I started, but it is the news of the church and church members. Let me know. Help me out and I will appreciate it very much.

Also, as a matter of information, I now have a new email address, drr@tds.net, since we were able to go to DSL. The old address, royster@aikenelectric.net is no longer any good.

See you Sunday if not before, bye for now.

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