Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pictures from around the church

From time to time I will be inserting some of the various pictures which I have taken around the church in the past several years. I hope these pictures will please you, and will give our blog visitors an idea of the type of church family we have here in North.
We started passing out the new church directories last Sunday, and most everyone has now received their copy. If you were pictured in the directory, then you are to receive one free copy. Please call the church office if you haven't picked up your copy yet. I think they turned out fairly well, though I am somewhat disappointed at the photography of the family members. And I do apologize to those who find errors in the spelling of their names or addresses. We tried to proof read the directory before it was printed, and asked for any member of the church family to stop by and help us, which some of you did, and still we find some names mispelled. Sorry about that.It is always very difficult when you are working with hundreds of names and addresses, and even though we corrected some of the mistakes on the proof copy, they missed some at the publishers. Anyhow, it is a historical record of our church, and a treasure for the future.

Looking ahead, we are getting prepared for the annual Homecoming Day celebration and "dinner-on-the-grounds" on Sunday, November 6, 2005. Rev. Watterson will return to preach in the morning services. He is a former pastor from many years ago. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this great day. Bring will filled covered dishes and we will enjoy the combined fellowship meal.Invite former members and friends of the church family to come and help us celebrate.

Speaking of meals at the church, we have started a Wednesday night meal at the church, so that working folks will be able to come directly to church and eat supper before the Wednesday night activities. We will have the Bible study and prayer meeting in the fellowship hall also. There is no charge for the meal, however you may make a donation if you would like. The meal starts at 6:00 PM.

Lots going on in our church, come and be a part of it. God Bless YOU...

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