Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Hello everyone! Hope each of you had a nice Christmas. The special service on Sunday was quite lovely. Gave us a time to reflect on where we are in our lives. It's almost a shame that it's time for the decorations and pointsettias to come down. Soon we will be on the eve of a new year. Twill be the dawning of a new day, time for starting over. This time of year always makes me reflect on things I need to work on both personally and spiritually. With the guide of His loving hand, I will strive to become more like the person God wants me to be.

Just to mention a few things going on in our church. As always we encourage each of you to join us each Sunday for Sunday School (starts at 9:45am). There are classes for everyone. Would love to have you become a part of one of our classes.

Don't forget that Wednesday night and Sunday activities will ge back to their regular times. This means: Wednesday night suppers will resume their normal time at 6pm with Prayer Meeting following in the fellowship hall. Sunday activities will remain the same for the most part, the only change is the choir will go back to having practice at 7pm following the evening worship service. We also encourage you to come out and join us on Wednesday night and become a part of one of our organizations (Prayer Meeting, RA's, GA's, Mission Friends, and WOM --which meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month).

In light of WOM....they will be hosting a Prayer Tea for the women of the Muslim world on Tuesday, January 3rd at 7pm. As stated in the bulletin, "God's precious gift of prayer allows us as Christian women to touch the lives of Muslim women across the street or around the world for God's glory. Sharing a cup of tea allows us to identify with Muslim women and the hospitality they value. Plan to bring a scarf to cover your head and a bath towel to use as a prayer rug (scarves and prayer rug are optional)".

We would also like to say "Welcome to Our World" to those who have new additions to their families. Also "Happy Birthday" or "Happy Anniversary" to those who are celebrating birthdays or anniversaries.

That is about all I have for now. I would also like to thank those who have commented on this website. Thanks for the encouraging words. Please let me know of any activities, etc. you would like to have mentioned here. Will be glad to do so. Until next time, take care and God bless!