Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

Good evening! I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend and day. It is a special day set aside for those who have served and continue to serve in our Armed Forces. Remember to take the time to let those you know who are serving how much you appreciate their hard work and sacrifices.

It's hard to believe that May will be over in just a few days. It seems like 2008 just started yesterday and now we are entering its 6th month! Speaking of time going by at a fast pace...for those who have children graduating this year, the time has gone by fast for parents and students alike. Graduates will be embarking on other avenues in their life; whether graduating from high school and going into college..or graduating college and taking the first step into a field that will reward them for their hard work in preparing for their chosen field. Even if you aren't graduating this year, remember to take the time to think about what you want to do in life. Seek the Lord in the decisions you make and rest assured that as long as you have consulted with the greatest teacher of them all, you can begin your new journey in life in a way you wouldn't have been able to before seeking His guidance and wisdom.

Sunday, June 1st will mark the day of recognizing our graduates. If you or someone you know are graduating this year and would like to participate in the upcoming graduation service, please see our Minister of Students for more details.

Vacation Bible School is right around the corner as well. This year's theme is "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth" (scripture passage: Psalm 86:11). There will be classes for all ages. If you or someone you know are interested in teaching or assisting with a class, helping out with crafts or even in the kitchen, please see our Interim Music Director for more details.

And don't forget to check out the Student Ministry website. The web address is: You will find valuable information there pertaining to activities for both youth and children. I am sure our Minister of Students has a lot of fun things in store for our young people this summer. Remember to encourage them to attend church on a regular basis. Having a strong faith and belief will aid them greatly in years to come!

I believe that's all I have for now. If there is anything you would like to have posted here, please email me at I am always glad to hear from fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)