Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Happenings

Hello and good Thursday evening to each of you. I hope your week has been going well. We have lots in store for the month of May. So make sure you mark the dates on your calendar or post your May newsletter in a spot that you go to frequently so you don't miss out on anything!

Today was the National Day of Prayer. It is a day designed for Americans to come together and pray for God's will for our town, state, country, world, our leaders, our military and their families, missionaries and anyone else in between. We live in a country where we have the freedom of speech, freedom to worship openly, the freedom to go to church without worry of being killed for doing so. Some countries aren't as fortunate as those who live in this great nation. With the upcoming Presidential election, we need to be in prayer that God will place the right person in the position. And that His glory will be shown through their words, actions and deeds. Too many people are focusing on trying to take God out of so many things, and it is quite unnerving. We need to be put God back where He belongs in our schools, work places and such. Without Him there, Satan's grip continues to strengthen. And he certainly doesn't need to be any stronger than he already is!

Sunday, May 11th is Mother's Day. We will have "Muffins for Moms" beginning at 9am in the fellowship. Child care will be provided until 9:45am when Sunday School begins and everyone goes to his or her respective class. Our mothers have always been there for us and we should take the time each and every day to let them know how much we love them. And not just on special occasions. Happy Mother's Day to each of the moms and may God continue to bless each of you!

We have a new trustee for the next calendar church year. Please been in prayer for this brother-in-Christ as he begins his new assignment.

We also have a new Nominating Committee. They will be heading your way looking for folks to fill various positions in and throughout our church. Remember, we are doing the Lord's work and it should all be for His glory and His alone. Allow God to guide in accepting or declining an offered position for the various committees we have at North FBC!

The XYZ will meet on Friday, May 16th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.

Men's breakfast will be held on Sunday, May 18th. Breakfast will be served at 8am in the fellowship hall. Come and join in the food, fun and fellowship and bring a friend (or two)!

The General Officers will be presented in the special called church conference after the morning worship service Sunday, May 18th.

The Women on Mission will meet on Wednesday, May 21st. All ladies of our church (and those looking for a church home) are invited and encouraged to attend!

Don't forget: we will be celebrating the May birthdays this month on Wednesday, May 14th. If you or someone you know will be celebrating a birthday this month, you are invited to join in the special celebration!

On Sunday, May 25th, we will observe Memorial Day during the morning worship hour. May this be a time of reflection and thanks for those who have served in our military. We can never thank them enough for their sacrifice to protect and serve to keep us safe from harm. May God continue to bless those who continue to serve along with their famillies.

Tis the time of year for high school and college graduations. It is a milestone in each young adult's life. A turning point that shapes the future. I encourage all students take the time to "smell the roses" along the way, but invest a good amount of time in getting an education so you can be better prepared to do the job you wish to make a career. And as always, seek God's wisdom and direction on the path He would have you take! If you or someone you know is graduating this year, please see our Minister of Students in order to participate in our special graduation service on Sunday, June 1st. Congratulations graduates!

Vacation Bible School is almost here! My how times goes by! If you are interested in teaching, assisting with a class, helping out in the kitchen or helping with crafts, please see our Interim Music Director in order to sign up. If you are an adult wondering if there is a class for you, the answer is YES!!! There is a class available for children of all ages (including grown ups!). VBS will take place the week of June 8th-12th. The theme is "Outrigger Island: Living God's Unshakable Truth" (verse Psalm 86:11).

Please be in prayer for our Ministry Assistant as she travels to the state meeting May 15th-17th. May God have traveling mercies for her during her travels and may she have a blessed time learning new things to further her work for Christ!

Attention Youth & Children:

get ready for a busy month! You'll need your rest to keep up with all the activities our Minister of Students has in store for you.


Open gym Friday, May 2nd from 6-9pm.
SNAC (Sunday Nights After Church) will take place Sunday, May 18th after the evening service.
Prince Caspian movie trip Saturday, May 17th. This is another book in the "Chronicles of Narnia" series by C. S. Lewis. If you haven't seen the movie "Chronicles of Narnia", I encourage you to do so. You won't be sorry!


Kid's open gym Saturday, May 3rd from 10am-12pm.
Kid's picnic trip Saturday, May 10th.

Youth Committee meeting will be held on Sunday, May 4th at 3:30 in the gym.
Children's Committee meeting will be held on Saturday, May 3rd during open gym.

There will also be a Child Protection Policy Meeting on May 4th at 7pm immediately following the evening worship service. If you are interested in finding out more about this policy that will be taking effect, you are invited and encouraged to be in attendance. A background check will be performed for those working with children.

I believe that covers all I have for now. See what I meant by there's a lot going on this month?! Something for everyone, that's for sure!

Oh, and don't forget about the Rose Festival taking place this weekend in Orangeburg at Edisto Gardens. Lots of exhibits and entertainment for everyone!

Until next time, take care and God bless!

In Christian Love,

Tina :-)