Saturday, January 31, 2009


Hello! I hope you all had a good Saturday. I will be so glad when the weather warms up.

I just finished watching the movie "Fireproof". It is about a man and his wife who are struggling to stay together. They find themselves on the brink of divorce. And once they realize their love for each other still remains and they allow God to be at the head of their lives, things truly become the way God intended for them to be between man and woman.

Too often people have this notion that woman was put on this earth to serve man. I stand behind my belief in that God created woman to be a helpmate for man. Someone to stand beside him through the good times and bad. God created man to love his wife as Christ loves the church. It is the man's place to be the leader of the household. When man fails to do this, then the woman is to let her husband see Christ in and through her so that he can find his way back to his rightful place.

As I was watching this movie, I felt God speaking to me. He was saying this movie isn't just for married people. This movie can be a guideline for people of all relationships. You don't have to be married to set a Godly example. Often times it is difficult to love people who continue to reject you. And we all reject others in some form. Whether we shun them because of race, creed, color, financial status, education level, what church they go to.....we still push other people away. It's hard to love the person who continually rejects adding you to their webpage. Or the person who snubs you because you aren't in their social realm. No, it isn't set in stone that when you request to be added to someone's page he or she must add you...but if we look at that as how we treat Christ when He wants to be part of our lives and we reject Him, the denial or rejection is the same. And it hurts.

I was reminded today of not saying hurtful things when someone hurts me. It's hard not to want to do just that. The person I was speaking to said to me, "Remember "The Shack"". Loving someone even though they have wronged you in some way. No matter how big or small the wrong might be. We are to love one another as Christ loves us.

In keeping with the theme of love, I encourage each of us to remember that February is the month of love. Valentine's Day. Let's try to make an extra effort this month to love the person who snubs us or who is less than kind to us for whatever reason. We never know what someone else is going through and when we act in an unkind manner in retaliation of their actions toward us...two wrongs don't make a right.

February holds a lot of activities. There will be a youth committee meeting tomorrow afternoon (2/1) at 4pm. There will also be a deacon's meeting tomorrow. Then tomorrow evening there will be a super bowl party at 6pm. Everyone is asked to bring your favorite tailgating (finger) food and join in the fun. In conjunction with the Souper Bowl of Caring, everyone is asked to contribute a canned good or give a monetary donation to the need of our community. All gifts will be forwarded to the Cooperative Ministry of North. The evening will include a football themed message along with music from Crosswalk. May the best team win!

The children's committee will meet next Sunday, Feb. 8th at 4pm. Then our youth will lead the evening service at 6pm.

The toddlers will have a Valentine's Day party on Monday, Feb. 9th. The party is for children birth through K-5 and will begin at 6pm in the fellowship hall. Pizza will be served and each toddler is asked to bring 15 valentines to share with the other children.

The XYZ will gather for their monthly meeting on Friday, Feb. 13th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. The Dixie Dew Drops will be the entertainment for the evening.

There will be a special Valentine's Day banquet/fundraiser on Sat., Feb. 14th in the fellowship hall at 6pm. Tickets are $10.00 per person and includes childcare. The menu consists of grilled steaks, baked potato, roll, salad, dessert and beverage. Tickets are available from our youth and the last day to purchase tickets will be Sunday, Feb. 8th.

Men's breakfast will be on Sunday, Feb. 15th at 8am in the fellowship hall.

Women on Mission will be meeting on Wed., Feb. 18th immediately following supper. All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.

Women's retreat is Friday, Feb. 27th and Sat., Feb. 28th. The Friday evening session will begin with registration at 6pm. The Saturday morning session will begin with continental breakfast at 8:30am in the fellowship hall and will end with a luncheon at 12:30pm. Cost for the retreat is $15.00 per person. Invite your female relatives and friends to come and join in this time of worship and fellowship. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, Feb. 15th. Make checks payable to FBC.

I hope you will enjoy the rest of your weekend. Until next time, take care and God bless!


Tina :-)