Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Well, good day to you all, and I trust that you are praising the Lord from whom all blessings really and truly do flow.
Last post I talked about the Homecoming, and now I can report that we had a great time of fellowship, preaching, food, and had a beautiful day for it all. A very large crowd attended, and the food line was out the door into the yard! Rev. David Laird did an outstanding sermon, and we enjoyed having him back. Just think, this church has been busy for one hundred and eleven years of service to the community and for the Lord
Since our Youth Minister resigned, I have been busy calling and writing to Baptist schools to see if we can get a new staff position of Minister of Music and Youth filled. So far we have received more than a dozen resumes from all over, and all seem to be well qualified for the job that have here. Now the personnel committee will have to sort them out, have them come for interviews, etc., and see which one the Lord has for us. We decided to combine the position of minister of music with the minister of youth into one full-time position, and will offer a fairly reasonable salary, along with a nice home, just behind the church. Please join us in prayer that this position will be filled very quickly. And pray for the Personnel Committee in their deliberations over the resumes.
A dear church member and friend has gone to be with the Lord. Brother Windred Bolin died Sunday, and will be buried on Thursday, Nov. 18th. Windred was a precious soul, a great man, and a good friend. He and his wife, Vi, were a blessing to our church. Now we need to remember Vi and the children in our prayers in the days to come.
Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving Day celebration around your home next week. We have so many things to be thankful for, especially for our Lord and Saviour. Would you believe that my sweet wife already has our Christmas tree up and decorated! There is something special about this season of the year.
Until next time, may God be with you in every way,
Sincerely Bro. Don

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