Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Thanksgiving Week is Here!

Welcome once again to our Web Log page. We are happily anticipating the big Turkey Day this coming Thursday. As one of our little children told me in church a few Sundays ago when I asked him what he was most thankful for during this season, "TURKEY"! I suppose we all are very thankful for the food that we eat and the clothes that we wear, and the great time of family fellowship around the Thanksgiving Day meal. But we should most of all be thankful for our Heavenly Father, who has given to us eternal life through Jesus Christ, His precious Son, and our precious savior. Now when this great week is over, Christmas is just ahead. Shall we be thankful and grateful for all that this season means.
Even with the situation in the Middle East, we can still trust in God to do what is right. Life goes on, and we are still challenged with the commission to tell others about Jesus.
Our church is an exciting place these days. Everyone seems to be fairly well satisfied, and only a few complaints from time to time about mostly insignificant happenings. We have rejoiced in the going home of our good friend and church member, Brother Windred Bolin. Words cannot express how much we admired him, and how much we shall miss him. We ask your prayers for his precious wife, Violet, and for the family members who are bereaved.
We are now in the process of searching for a Minister of Music and Youth for our church. This will be a full-time staff position, and we are going through a number of resumes that have been sent in response to our putting out the word. Will you join us in prayer that the right man will soon become available?
So, I pray that you will have a happy Thanksgiving Day celebration around your home and don't eat too much of that bird. As for me, I am looking forward to the ham!

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