Friday, March 31, 2006

April Happenings

It's hard to believe that in a few short weeks we will be celebrating Easter! For me it is a time of reflection. A time to remember that our Lord and Saviour came to earth to save us from our sins. He bore the pain and anguish of all our transgressions that we may have eternal life. It is so hard for me to comprehend that someone would say there is no God. When you look at the beautiful sunrises/sunsets that we are able to see or you hear the birds singing, how could one ever believe there is no God? While Easter is a somber time, let it also be a happy time. A happy time in knowing that when we leave this earth, we will live forever with our Father in Heaven!

In light of the upcoming events surrounding Easter, we have many things happening in our church and around our community. Please make note of them on your calendar. You don't want to miss these wonderful times of fellowship. They are as follows:

Our adult choir has been faithfully practicing for their upcoming Easter cantata. It is entitled "Behold the Darkness". It will be held on Sunday, April 9th at 6pm (Palm Sunday).

Easter Sunrise Community Service will be held at North Pentecostal Holiness Church, Sunday, April 16th at 7am. Our beloved pastor will be speaking at this service.

The youth and children's committees will be meeting this Sunday, April 2nd. Children's committee will meet at 3:30pm and the youth committee will meet at 4:00 in the youth building. (will keep you updated should these times change!)

Boys & girls: Don't forget about the sports program available for you. Sessions begin at 2pm on Sunday afternoons (beginning with Bible study for 45 min.). This promises to be a fun time for all in attendance. Come out and be a part of something will help teach you to be a good sport both on and off the playing field!

Gardening Sessions are being held in the Fellowship Hall each Monday at 2pm. Sessions are free and open to the public!

Deacons: Don't forget about the upcoming Deacon's meeting this Sunday (April 2nd) at 8am.

REMINDER: Daylight savings time begins Sunday, April 2nd. Remember to "spring your clocks forward" Saturday night so you won't be late for church on Sunday morning!

Also, if you would like to place an Easter Lily in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone, the cost is $12.00 per flower. The deadline is Monday, April 10th. If you have any questions pertaining to this, please notify someone on the flower committee. Flowers will be placed in the church prior to Easter Sunday and can be taken home following the Easter Sunday morning service. (you will also need to include who the flower has been placed by and the number of flowers you are purchasing).

As you can see, we have a lot going on! You don't want to miss these blessed opportunities to worship with fellow believers! I will keep you posted on any changes that need to be made or of any other events I am made aware of. As always, keep on pressing on the upward way! My love to each of you! God bless!!